Poundstone curls. weighted pullups +70 5,5,5 . Poundstone curls

 weighted pullups +70 5,5,5 Poundstone curls  Not bad considering my squat took a nose dive during the cut that I was running before I started Leviathan

More on that later. Chinese Elite Gymnasts Training for Tokyo 2011. I do a daily set of 25 with a band for the sake of health, which is a habit I picked up after I tore my left bicep, but when I’m actually “training curls”, it’s Poundstone curls with an axle, and the goal is effort. More on Poundstone curls, the origin of my high re. Notes: 90 seconds rest on the deads. I commented elsewhere but I had elbow tendonitis from pressing and high rep hammer curls (30+ reps) were great for it. 00. Use Olympic Barbell only for curling 100 Reps. Dual Pulley Latpulldown x 18 @ 35/ x 16 @ 42. In the 200 rep post Paul Carter jokingly said: No longer will they be known as Poundstone Curls. In all seriousness. Try Poundstone Curls -- named after strongman champ, Eric Poundstone, who "invented" them to build tendon strength for truck pulls. Jamie was busy with some business stuff and I had to run errands to get ready for my Ohio trip. I think this will be solid. No longer will they be known as Poundstone Curls. But the difference is I'm 180lbs, I got up to 210lbs before cutting down to this weight. kd13 May 21, 2019, 8:44pm 1142. Strip set - 140's x 11 -> 100's x 5. That’s too easy. Some weeks, I’d do some warm-up sets of rows before hitting warm-ups of bench and dead, some weeks I’d save it to the end, some weeks I did Poundstone curls to save time on curls, etc. I’ve used various arm workouts from plans I've gone through on Bodyspace…Monday: *Alternating DB curls: 2x10 @ 40lbs to get a pump going *Close grip EZ Bar curls: 3x6-8 @ 100lbs *Preacher curls using the EZ Bar: 3x8 @ 90lbs *Rope Hammer curls: 3x10 @ 75lbs *Seated Alternating DB curls: 3x8 @ 40lbs *DB Hammer curls: 3x6-8 @ 45-50lbs (depends on how jacked my forearms are from the rope hammer curls)Poundstone curls; DAY B. . Poundstone curls: x129. Top Heavy Hypertrophy A little catch up. (Or use whatever weight allows you to barely hit 100 reps or close to it. Poundstone curls are a staple of my bicep training. PaulBeech. This is lifting weights and you are an adultPoundstone Curls - 26 @ 20kg My conditioning for high volume squatting is officially pathetic - will keep the next cycle at 65% for BBB sets and reduce the rest periods. I really don't do curls. Or if you want, look at some olympic lifters and how many consecutive high pulls they do in a row. After a long absence I decided to start logging my training here again, even if it’s just once a week for my own benefit and for anyone else interested. Her floor press is usually something like barx5, 65x4, 70x3, 75x2, 85/90x1 all fast and solid with a pause. The most popular bodybuilding message boards!12/5/22 Conjugate - ME Lower - W5/D1 CONDITIONING Ladders AMAP in 5 minutes: Burpees x1-5 V-crunch x1-5 2 ladders + round of 2s MAX EFFORT Mat pulls: (6) 45x10 135x5 225x3 275x3 315x3 365x3 415x1 385x3 REPETITION EFFORT Belt squat drop set: 135x24, reps of 110, 85, 60, 35, 0 Band reverse hyper: Double, single, bodyweight Band. Rest-pause lateral raises and curls as a finisher. LEGENDARY4259 • 1 yr. Concentration Curls: 4 sets x 10 reps x 35. I've done BtM before and it was an absolute battle, workouts taking up to 2hours long. Press: 1+ OHP 160x3 . I’ve given in lately to eating a ton of food and. Legs: Leg press, GHD curls, Calf raises3A - Poundstone Curls - 51,33,30,30 3B - Band Pushdowns - 4x15. “Living the dream”, haha. sub is closed for repairs. "Wrist" exercises (i. Pro. Question is - does it matter in which (A or B) I will put them or just whatever I like (like high pull for A and power clean for B for. Thoughts about life, crap, training, and stuff - Monday EditionAssistance: pulldowns, seated press, face pulls, curls. Do high rep 'pump' exercises like Poundstone curls to get blood to the area Oddly, I found that doing DB flyes with a deep stretch made a big. Seated Axle Overhead Press @ 100; 8 @ 85; 12. Up to this point, it was never about growth to me, only about becoming a better strongman competitor. However, if you find yourself constantly cheating you perhaps should just lower the weight a bit and slow down your exercise to concentrate more. Similar approach as SSB squats but slower/more autoregulated. com covering every day challenges. August of Arms: use this post to discuss your training for the day! Talk about how lifts, workouts, etc went this day; PRs achieved; goals set; whatever!…I topped it off with 227xAxle Poundstone curls, because anything worth curling is worth full body curling. Progress after 20 days: up the AOA Program: curls. I guess he started doing this a couple years ago, once a month. Rope Curls: 4 sets x 10 reps x 80. 09-28-2012, 05:13 PM #222. My arms was pumped like no other. To that end, I termed one of my arm days as a Hyper Rep day in which I would do Poundstone curls followed by fuckin' endless amounts of tricep pushdowns. ago. Whats your opinion on doing overhead tricep extensions with an axle bar for reps like one would do for Poundstone curls?. I worked deadlifts back in for the first time since I had hurt my arm playing softball. Concentration Curls: 4/10/45. Occasionally alternated DB rows for Meadows Rows and weighted curls for Poundstone curls. I'll be brutally honest, though, I like Paul and Jim's work. This is Derek Poundstone . It provides tension all throughout the entire movement too in comparison to the incline dumbell curl. Here is what he does to keep his triceps strong. unless you were doing Poundstone curls. skunk_wicks125. Which seems ridiculously long. Your wrists themselves have no muscle. Wednesdays training. He calls them Poundstone curls. I’ve made some significant changes to my training and diet in the. Welcome to the r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Once my pee turned brown yesterday, I headed right to the ER. Amazing how much of that set was seemingly mental rather than physical - like, as long as I decided to endure the pain I could just. For my shoulders, I scaled up to two dedicated shoulder workouts a week. by MasterKingdomKey 10-pound dumbbell curls for 100 reps. Today’s workout…Workout your biceps, triceps, and forearms with the 50 best arm exercises, according to our experts. I have swapped all my bicep and triceps work for 1 100 rep set of curls a week and 1 100 rep set of triceps a week (floor extensions). - Twitter thread by Anosognosiogenesis @pookleblinky - RattibhaMore poundstone curls. You just need to hit them hard, put on weight, and. Giant set: 4x10@50 lunges, 4x15@135 calf raises, 4x10@80 bicep curls Didn’t quite have the juice for the 10 reps on the AMRAP set but I’m happy with 3 for 4 PRs this week. Day 3 -. v3lv3t May 21, 2019, 8:48pm 1143. Keeping your upper arms at your sides, curl the bar. Specifically: belt squats and Poundstone curls. Here he does curls with a 40 lb axle bar for ~350 reps. Please use this post to discuss your training for the day! Talk about how lifts, workouts, etc went this day; PRs achieved; goals set; whatever!…For upper days, I did everything in giant sets as written, plus band pull aparts after every set of presses. Ecc Focused Hack Squat 2 x 7 // 285 Ecc Focused BB RDL 3 x 6 // 365 Farmers Walk 3 x 50ft Ab Wheel2 x 8Changed Olympic Squat to Front Squat on week two. . 5x20 Hands x20 SUPER SETS (curls - band) Football bar hammer curls: (empty bar - 25lb) x34 - wide grip x33 - mid grip x33 - close grip Band pull aparts: x34 x33 x33 Do you. Doing Kubik style heavy singles is a lot of fun as well. August of Arms 2016 – Poundstone Curls – Barbell x 100 reps AFAP The next test was Poundstone Curls – curling an empty barbell for 100 reps as fast as possible without setting the barbell down. After this program, I felt like I could accomplish anything. Poundstone curls (1 rep more than previous workout each time) DAY B. I understand these to be one set of 100 reps no matter how long it takes, at it took me 5:04. So run 5/3/1 M/T/Th/F or rotating the 4 days over M/W/F with Saturday/Sunday to just do arms or whatever you feel is lagging. Bulgarian Split SquatI kept my Poundstone curls on Press day (hitting somewhere in the 220s for reps these days), my Lateral Raise deathset on bench day, a belt squat stripset on squat day, shrugs on deadlift day, etc. Still feeling a bit rough in the morning from the cold, but it seemed to have cleared up by the evening. If you hate training biceps, "It's just one set" * On the squat day, for this training cycle, I've. Poundstone curls PoundstonePTC 2. In an arm workout I might do all the above super-sets, alternating Triceps/Biceps. No need to go mental masturbation on this. Building the Monolith would stand a solid chance of building some arms, with 200 dips, 125 chins and 100 curls. Do the work and have a good plan—the secrets to building anything in life. I got to 60 reps here and just physically couldnt lift the bar anymore! My elbows felt great after so im going to do these for 4-6 weeks. 5 inch arms. Quad extensions . It’s the “cheat meal” of training. The next test was Poundstone Curls – curling an empty barbell for 100 reps as fast as possible without setting the barbell down. $60. I worked deadlifts back in for the first time since I had hurt my arm playing softball. Band pull aparts 3x15 2. I understand that low reps are for strength, medium reps are for size and around 2…Monday, September 17, 2012. I also had a pretty crazy/rushed morning so I was running on no calories this afternoon. Myosin May 28, 2022, 7:02pm 11. Monday, August 20, 2012I’d meet the minimums laid out by Jim, but tended to kitchen sink things. I'm going to use. Pumped about that squat PR. 5. 5kg (215 lbs). But I couldn’t get to 100. Go for a high score. Top strength still crummy, but rep strength high. So not being used to them, having low muscle glycogen to start with from keto, and pushing like that on high reps was enough. On the bench day, I did incline dumbbell benching, and immediately after the. CryptoPoundstone Curls 80/10/10. Start light. After 50 my form […] Filed Under: bodybuilding, curls, videos. I guess he started doing this a couple years ago, once a month. I also finished each arm day with brutal forearm supersets (Or myoreps, for extra fun). In 30 days I gained exactly a half an inch. 21s are pretty dumb IMO. Notes: Shaping up to go 3-5-2 as far as “the plan” goes with this approach. Last one was 158 reps with an empty axle. * Instead of multiple sets of lateral raises, I just did one gigantic dropset. Even if you get sloppy with 100 empty-bar reps, just making it to the 100 rep mark will have your biceps screaming. Poundstone Curls - barx120 Flye/Band Extensions Superset - 3 rounds of 30 reps per round Notes - Pec minors are a bit inflammed for some reason so I hit the flyes for some high reps. Day 4- squats 1x20, dips, chins, assistance. Cardio:57 minutes if cardio at a 15% incline going 2. Breathing squats 1x20/pull overs 1x20. No amount of exercise will grow them. The Giant and its variations have provided a good deal of hard training, but outside of that I've grown complacent. Reverse hypers; GHRs; Abs; Pull aparts; Pushdowns; Neck work; Conditioning will be ad hoc as usual. 802 votes, 71 comments. Axle shrugs against bands 1xmax reps. I hate Derek Poundstone for ever even dreaming this up. In all seriousness. Machine Curl @ 100; 11 @ 85; 14, 12 @ 60; 23. Have him do 100 reps at 5 pounds with one arm and a real workout with the other arm and laugh at him after an agreed upon time period. This might be why something as simple as Poundstone curls (as u/MythicalStrength mentions) are so effective: it is a ton of volume. Podcast Q&A. CryptoHaha they’re just super lean mate, they look alright but not much substanceThen leg curls, lateral raises, curls, and ab-wheel. 5/ Lying Cable Laterals 5 x 20 @ 12. Feels like using deadstop reps for my main work and then touch and go (paused at the floor) for supplemental work is a good combination - practice good first reps and then get lots of time under tension. For Poundstone Curls, I hit 214 reps unbroken with an unloaded axle. Poundstone Curl x 105 Finger Curls 2 x 11 @ 155. Cable Curls: 4/10/150. By the way, I tried the poundstone curls for the first time just last week. Trying a bicep curl challenge this month - Started on the 1st doing 100 curls a day. After knocking out those lunges and bicep curls, come back and drop your score to see if you top the. * I paused benches when possible. Training - Squats and Pulls; Saving a potentially shitty workout; LRB/365 Manual and SPPC check in! Chaos and Bang Your Earballs - Grunge Appreciation. Poundstone curls: grab an empty barbell (or axle), and do 100 curls with it before putting it down. These are referred to as Poundstone curls and are a great pump exercise. This is to make up for the robot not publishing a thread. There are a couple of very sick, twisted and sadistic people out there who deserve to be. I knew I was in trouble Monday. For squat days, I did 10 dips and 10 chins after every set of squats, including warm up sets other than the empty bar. Jim says you can always do more assistance work if you feel like it, and I sure did. For me it very much was just a pain tunnel with a light at the other end. Deadlifts 2 x 4 @ 385 1st rep was. AM WORKOUT (0327 natural wake up) 5/3/1 FOR HARDGAINERS Week 1, Workout 2. -Even by week 6, I still didn’t know the best way to approach this. The rest was history. Use an unloaded axle and get the forearms too. I have found that cable curls are the most comfortable exercise I can do where i can work my biceps without my elbow hurting too bad. BBB with additional biceps work? Starting 531 BBB put of the book. Got up at 0315 so I could squeeze in this training session before work. Late to the party but after the thread on Poundstone curls I decided to do them instead of 2x10 curls. Well, Derek Poundstone must have been reading along. Get an olympic bar and get to 100 curls as fast as possible. That set was Sunday night. There is a smaller version of the straight bar, but it still comes in at 35 pounds which is higher than the average EZ curl bar. Poundstone Curls: 100. After this program, I felt like I could accomplish anything. 5lbs per side taken to 103 reps. Hurt my progress? I only have 10-pound dumbbells at home, so lately when I can't go to the gym, I've been doing bicep. CryptoI’d meet the minimums laid out by Jim, but tended to kitchen sink things. Top set of 5 felt awful and my hips just shoot straight up, but then the jokers go much smoother. The u/Recurves-N-Revolvers community on Reddit. Sure a lot of guys lean a little closer to powerlifting ranges most of the time, but then again Poundstone curls are a thing, lol. Once my pee turned brown yesterday, I headed right to the ER. Browse Best Buy and shop the best curling irons or curling wands to achieve the look of natural curls or beachy waves. Cool Whip for breakfast, bulking on Pizza Hut but. . It is ideally run for 2 cycles, which would be 7 weeks total. I do a set of Poundstone curls once a week, going for a rep PR, and it has worked. Your posts about Poundstone curls lately have been great. Dips @ BW; 21 @ -40; 14. Yesterday was “Arm Day” for me. Still, added 2 reps from last time but I definitely had to swing some reps to get there. Deadlift 5/3/1, Deadlift BBB, face pulls 4x15, calve raises 4x10, lying leg raise 4x15. So on the list of things to introduce at the end of at least one workout a week: strapped shrugs to failure, fat grip Poundstone curls. Also feel like shoulder work is lacking so maybe I should include lateral raises. Gonna use them on all pressing whilst the elbow recovers. Warm ups Lat. My last two lifting sessions I noticed a pain in my left forearm during bicep curls (machine - I know I know - and dumbells) since I moved up a…As for supplements here is my daily regimen. 5 > 7/8. I thought the same thing. I’ll give you the plan if you supply the work. Chest Supported rows 3 x 10 @ 135/ DB Front Raises 3 x 20 @ 10/ Band Tricep PD 2 x 27Poundstone Curls 1 x 102 Bodyweight dips 1 x 30 Conditioning: None Notes: My PR set was not a PR, but it matches a previous PR. . Was going to do weighted, but could not find the dip belt after 5 minutes of looking so I said fuck it. 0. Notes. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. I think I had. But I used a pair of 25lb dumbbells. Derek Poundstone curls in the squat rack (gasp!). Poundstone Curls 138xAxle. Click here to visit his website. It's unbelievable the tension, squeeze and it's easy to progressively overload. 9K subscribers Subscribe 142 42K views 10 years ago 40 lb axle bar for ~350 reps. 60+10+10+10+10; Notes: I’m enjoying the way I have the kettlebell rotations set up. Surely the huge amount of time under tension should be. The August of Arms 2017 progra. . Subtotal: $0. I don't think it's just "man up and push through it" pain, because it's far. No podcast night night. Grace WOD on the axle @ 95lbs. Well, Derek. Had to zombify a few reps to alleviate the cramping. One set of poundstcne curls a *week* will be enough to make your elbows thank you. For several weeks, drop all your normal biceps work and try this: grab an empty barbell and shoot for 100 reps. Edit: Here is MythicalStrength doing a set of Poundstone curls. I took to adding a set of Poundstone curls at the end of one of the arm days, just for even more pump, and would throw in band pull aparts and lateral raises where I could find space for it. But 100 reps just doesn't really win me over. Can’t get frustrated with my body. In the 200 rep post Paul Carter jokingly said: No longer will they be known as Poundstone Curls. Grasp the barbell at shoulder width. Poundstone Curls - bar x 115 PR Tricep Band Pushdown Facedown on Bench Extension Thingee - 3 sets Notes - Got my bands from elitefts so I'm playing with it. Lately Paul Carter has been posting a lot about doing empty barbell curls for super high reps. . 25 votes, 26 comments. I usually start with 30-40 reps and pause, holding on to the weight, and then start knocking out sets of 10, pausing for as little time as possible to catch my. Poundstone curls and high volume lat pulldowns have done more for those two things for me in the past three months than my compound focused lifting did in two years. Apparently, for some reason, Derek Poundstone thought it would be a great idea to try to curl an empty barbell for 100 reps. ham curls . I've obviously been touting high rep curls for a while now. I managed 300 with a Rogue axle resting in the up. We rounded. Day 3 Squat 5x4 @300lbs. Poundstone Curls - 32 @ 20kg Warm up really helped the knee pain! Deadlifts feeling great, everything just flying up. Do the work and have a good plan—the secrets to building anything in life. Poundstone Curl x 105 Finger Curls 2 x 11 @ 155. I do 1 set of Poundstone curls a week and go for rep PRs each time. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsWhat is the Poundstone Barbell Curl Challenge? Apparently, for some reason, Derek Poundstone thought it would be a great idea to try to curl an empty barbell for 100 reps. ago. Up to this point, it was never about growth to me, only about becoming a better strongman competitor. Nice way for him to tell Paul Carter (from Lift-Run-Bang) to keep trying :) (The backstory is that Carter did 200 reps after a lot of training and wanted to start calling them Carter Curls instead - guess Poundstone objected :) )Poundstone does high rep curls for every arm workout. So on the list of things to introduce at the end of at least one workout a week: strapped shrugs to failure, fat grip Poundstone curls. Build bodybuilder arms and strongman strength with this extreme routine. I’m sure internal investigations would take an interest that’s for sure hahaAbsolutely beneficial. The name of this new log is for my new frame of mind. Poundstone Curls same as deadlift day. I am using the trap bar for the high pulls and shrugs. From now on, they will be known as Carter curls since, as far as I know, no one has ever put up 2 bills with the empty bar before. Workout B:I've had a few people ask me how I am going to structure my training for the UPA Meet in detail. Hanging Leg Raises 5x10. Poundstone curls 100x1 @45lbs. The "rules" of the program let you do your curls as long as you're making gains and progressing with your lifts. Eat more calorie rich and protein rich food and curl more weights; also do pulling exercises for your back. You have seen Derek Poundstone’s dumbbell pressing strength. Then let him make up his mind as to which routine gives better results. The Derek Poundstone Empty Barbell Curl 100 Rep Challenge; Training the Curl for Increased Performance and Injury Prevention; Week 12 – Table Top Zottman Curls; Tags: bicep curl, dumbbell curl, standing curl, strict curl. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 100 reps here just with the. 5 months is more than enough time on Beefcake. Home. Your posts about Poundstone curls lately have been great. DB benching on the bench and press days, rows and belt squats on the squat days, a full on “back day” for the deadlift day, Poundstone curls on bench day, etc etc. subscribers . start with both arms at the same time, as. Poundstone Curl x 105 Finger Curls 2 x. Last edited by PaulBeech; 10-05-2012 at 09:28 PM. I feel like my triceps are stalling right. Weekly total: 8,500 meters. Deadlifts - warm up, then usually 8-12 singles with between 135 and 175. Did hit a nice PR in the Poundstone curls. 5/ Lying Cable Laterals 5 x 20 @ 12. Even if half the reps are garbage,you're still getting a bunch of stimulus and tut from all the curls. and i’ve been working out for a year and like 3 months but November 2020 i got in a motorcycle crash and lost like all my gains so after that i basically restarted back to where i was when i first started. . Day 30: Left Calf 14. Of course, I had tried those as a finisher of a workout. Dual Pulley Latpulldown x 18 @ 35/ x 16 @ 42. Day 3- bench BBB beefcake, rows, assistance. Kept the assistance pretty light, with only 50 push ups for the push category. Add variety and glamour to your hairstyle!Have you ever wondered why area rugs curl? One of the biggest problems people have with area rugs is the fact that the ends of a rug tends to curl, especially the corners. May I please get some feedback on this program? Thank you so much!On my press day, I do 150-200 dips, and then 5 sets of lat pulldowns for 8-20 reps, 5 sets of band pull aparts for 20 reps, 50-100 axle rows and 100 poundstone curls with an axle. Add a Comment. One of the press days will also include Poundstone curls (current record is 207 reps, I add 1 each workout). 40 votes, 105 comments. Bench 3x3 @230lbs. Skull Crushers with 97. For Poundstone Curls, I hit 214 reps unbroken with an unloaded axle. Seems to work well enough. tbonesteak1233 • 10 mo. I've grown my arms well training biceps directly once a week doing a single set of Poundstone curls (unloaded axle for max reps, minimum of 100 without setting the axle down, current PR is 143 reps). It should take about 10 minutes to perform 100 reps. I'll pick a rep range like 12, start with the lightest weight on the rack, do 12, move up to the next, do 12, repeat until I can't, then work back DOWN and go for 12s again. Poundstone curls are a very regular feature in my training, and what I'm currently using, but I also like running the rack with DBs. Chest Supported rows 3 x 10 @ 135/ DB Front Raises 3 x 20 @ 10/ Band Tricep PD 2 x 27 Bilateral hammer curl @ 40; 22, 23. Run down does not to begin to describe how I have been feeling in recent years. Poundstone curls 188xAxle. mr. Reply More posts from r/531Discussion. I think poundstone curls and just ultra high rep curls in general are gods gift. That one that didn’t work was the Ninja SP101 Air Fry. Upper: Incline DB Hex press, Barbell bench press, SSB tricep/upper chest extension, Dips, Cable pulldowns, cable rows, SSB upper back row, Single arm ‘DB’ rows with a loaded kettleball handle, Trap Bar rows. Push Press 175 3,3,3 . Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Stick with 10-20 reps to high fatigue or failure. I’m looking to take things to the next level, get stronger, and bre…Poundstone Curls - 36 @ 20kg That was hard. One week is intervals for technique and capacity training, and barely any assistance, the next is testing one of the 3 lifts for time, and greater assistance. Solid workout. 5x10 barbell curls were replaced with rest-pause poundstone curls until one hundred total reps. I'm just not convinced it'll do much for hypertrophy. Well, up until a couple weeks back, I had steered clear of this challenge and knew nothing about it. That's it! I'm tired of these 13-19 year old CHILDREN talking shit like they know everything. Rep Power: 12578. It was terrible. 2. * Curls were done as Poundstone curls (1 single set), with an unloaded axle getting to 160 reps and an axle loaded with 2. Never do 5s anymore so i thought a more volume based seed session would be good. I can’t perform as well as I can with a few meals in me, but still feel more. There's also a guy on YouTube who did them for 30 days for his arms his channel is I believe Alex Van fitness. Seated Axle Overhead Press @ 100; 8 @ 85; 12. . I tried poundstone curls today, but I used a 35lb rackable curl bar at my gym. Well, up until a couple weeks back, I had steered clear of this challenge and knew nothing about it. Poundstone Curls 100x1 @30lbs. Even after a year of doing weight training under the guidance of a personal trainer, my biceps still don't look defined…I can say Im a back person, it is actually the most fun muscle group to train (for me ofxourse). I set some MASSIVE PRs on the belt squat, hitting 54 reps AFTER my 5x10x405 squat today, which was a 3 rep PR from the previous time, itself a 7 rep PR. Seated Axle Overhead Press @ 100; 8 @ 85; 12. ago Just do some damn curls for high reps at the end of your workout. 5kg x 20. My off-season arm routine is designed to strengthen the triceps (for pressing 400-pound logs overhead) and the. Things I Liked: Nothing. Or another thing some people do and enjoy with 5/3/1 is adding a weekend pump day or weakness day. MSKOnlyScans. 6. My triceps have grown, but my biceps haven't grown much. I know what you’re thinking. It's like saying that you tried so-n-so's bench routine and your. Nailsea Living June OnlinePull - Curls x 100 SLC - Trunk Raises/Planks x 100 Are there any movements I'm missing, or is there something else I can mix in to get the most out of my squat day?. Your Cart. With the barbell curls I tend to go high rep as well, ala poundstone curls. 1. For my shoulders, I scaled up to two dedicated shoulder workouts a week. Reply Spartacus1087 • Additional comment actions. Poundstone Curl. Yeap, my squats suck. Small amount of growth. To my surprise, without working the Poundstone Curl since last August or September, probably, I was able to get all the way to 100 reps without any breaks or pauses, motoring straight through in 2:00 flat. He calls them Poundstone curls. Jumps 3x5. 4…Poundstone curls Take an empty axle, perform 100 curls without putting it down. I will be using the strong-15 short cycle with 1 extra week for acclimation because of me taking this week off, and the wisdom toofus surgery. PaulBeech. . bring your elbows up/forward slightly at the top of each rep. DB poundstone curls - 75 @ 3s. It's typically just 1 big set for them: either a big drop/strip set, or Poundstone curls. 5 x 5 W1, 5 x 4 W2, 5 x 3 W3. Just general RPE on heavy lifts: 9. @jshaving Absolutely an option, and a good use of a degree for sure. OP, do more curls, and do multiple types of curls: normal, preacher, concentration, etc. Seated Axle Overhead Press @ 100; 8 @ 85; 12. It is ideally run for 2 cycles, which would be 7 weeks total. I hit 40 reps, and I remember thinking how hard it was, and how it would be a year before I hit 100 reps. Originally had 8s on. 60-90 seconds rest. But didn’t know if that’s enough volume overall. Was going to take a run at 200 on the Poundstone curls, but Tiff told me the camera was dying so I will give it a go next week. Everything is allowed dude. 0 items. Just wanna throw in a plug for Poundstone curls. 5/ Lying Cable Laterals 5 x 20 @ 12. Tags: Arm Workout, arms, curls, derek poundstone, lift run bang, paul carter, poundstone. After Poundstone Curls, my biceps are. Chest Supported rows 3 x 10 @ 135/ DB Front Raises 3 x 20 @ 10/ Band Tricep PD 2 x 27 Bilateral hammer curl @ 40; 22, 23.